Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!

I had a wonderful Christmas--I went to a Christmas Eve service at church, visited my neighbors and relatives, and ate special treats I received as gifts! Only 3 more days until school starts again--I'm glad Susanna and Charley will get to see all their friends after the holidays. I'll miss being with with them all day, but I'll wait at the fence each afternoon to greet them when they come home. Then they'll play with me--they may even teach me some new games!

Did I tell you that my new book, "Scout, The Dog Who Learned Mona Lisa's Secret," is now available? You'll like the pretty pictures and the instructions in the back of the book for craft projects. You can learn more about it in the Gift Shop.

I wish you a Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Getting Ready for Christmas

Susanna and Charley will get out of school in 3 days and won't have to go back for 2 weeks! We have lots of things planned during the holidays. We'll visit our cousins, go to the farm and play games.

We decorated the Christmas tree and hung wreaths throughout the house. I even have my own tree--it's decorated with all kinds of chocolate Lab ornaments! I love the way the lights shine and sparkle on the trees outside. You should see the Courthouse--it looks beautiful! We went to see it the night of the Christmas parade.

We just have a little more shopping to do, so we're planning on checking our lists this weekend to make sure we don't leave anybody out. We're making some of the gifts, too. Our mom and dad say they like the gifts we make better than any others, because we're giving a part of ourselves.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

A Thankful Weekend

I hope your Thanksgiving was just as happy as mine! Susanna, Charley, Mom, Dad and I left Thursday morning to go to my uncle's and aunt's home about 100 miles from here. We took cranberries, a salad and pecan pies to add to the dishes that other relatives brought.

I saw my cousin, Mattie, for the first time since last summer. She's a brown Cocker Spaniel--we're both the same color and age. When we visited last summer, the temperature was 100 degrees; we're glad the weather is cooler now.

Mattie's family and my family don't often give us food from the table, but since Thanksgiving is a special occasion, we each received a bite of lean turkey. It was so good that we didn't even think about dressing or gravy!

We came back home on Thursday afternoon, and now we're all thinking about getting ready for the Christmas season. We'll decorate the tree this week and begin baking cookies. I've already asked if we can make ginger snaps. I'll let you know what happens!

Monday, October 4, 2010

I'm Ready To Get To Know You

I'm so happy to tell you that my web page,, is now active! I'll be posting messages to you every few days to let you know what I've been doing. I hope you'll let me know what's new with you, too. I'm looking forward to sharing with you the new books I'll have coming out. I also want to introduce you to my friends who will be in the books with me.